
Ideal Advertising For:
Special Events
Trade Shows
Event Promotions
Retail Grand Openings
Auto Dealers Brands
Consumer Awareness of your Business

Mobile advertising generates 2.5 times more attention than a static billboard.
Individual vehicle advertising generates between 30,000 to 70,000 daily vehicle impressions.
-Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc.
91 % of target audiences notices both graphics and text.
-American Trucking Association and 3M
Americans report spending an average of 15 hours per week in a car, either as a driver or passenger, and perceive traffic is getting worse. Commute times, from the recent census, have Increased 14%.
Arbitron National In-Car Study,
Young men 18-34 elusive to TV advertising, have a huge exposure to outdoor media. With TV viewing levels dropping among young men, outdoor advertising can supplement the media plan. The average consumer spends 15 hours per week in the car while men 18 - 34 spend an astonishing 20 hours per week in their car, a 33% Increase. Men, 18-34 clock 39% more miles each week (425 miles) verses the national average (306 miles.)
Arbitron National In-Car Study,
In-car audiences are a vital adverting consideration In all sized US media markets. Contrary to the perception that only people In large cities spend significant amount of time In-car, consumers In small and medium-sized markets also show long commute times and time spent In vehicles.
Arbitron National In-Car Study,
A significant amount of shopping occurs on the way home from work. Consumers report these purchases are contemplated during the day and on the way home. As such, outdoor advertising are vital to Impact shopping and purchasing on the way home from work.
Arbitron National In-Car Study,
The more miles Americans travel In-car each week, the less time they spend with television. Mega-Milers - those who travel (as a driver or passenger) more than 260 miles per week In-car - are upscale, educated and far more likely to be employed full-time than the average American.
Arbitron National In-Car Study,
Outdoor advertising deliver immediate results for advertisers. 29% say outdoor advertising caused them to visit a retail store within a week. The more time spent in the car, the more likely that outdoor advertising motivates consumers to visit a retail store.